

Exclusion Work (Construction and Sealing)

Critter Control of East Tennessee can help prevent major problems before they start and eliminate them after they are already present with a variety of animal exclusion techniques. Each property requires a unique prevention strategy based on home entry points, the availability of food, water and shelter, and the type/s of animal being targeted for exclusion.

Wildlife can cause substantial damage to residential property, including structural damage, soiled insulation, chimney damage, roof destruction, plant destruction, and more. Critter Control’s specialists can help treat for critters, prepare insurance bids, and restore affected areas of your property.

Animal Exclusion Techniques:
  • Chimney – Chimney caps and screens can prevent animals from falling in or nesting
  • Plumbing Vents – Properly excluded vents can prevent animals from seeking shelter and becoming stuck in plumbing pipes.
  • Roof & Fascia Spaces – Sealing entry points between the roof and fascia will discourage animal entry 
  • Roof Ridge Vents- Flimsy lightweight vents should be secured with Ridge-Guard© to prevent animal entry or can be completely replaced.
  • Oven & Bathroom Exhaust Vents – Adding vent covers will keep animals out
  • Roof/Soffit Intersection – Securing soffit gaps will help prevent easy animal entry
  • Holes in Siding – Repairing & reinforcing holes will discourage animal infestation
  • Porch & Deck – Installation of durable rat walls around base prevents animal entry
  • Trees & Landscaping – Removal of overhanging tree limbs and encroaching vegetation denies easy access to your home.
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Trapping and Removal of Animals

One of the most common wildlife control services we offer is humane animal removal. Every situation calls for a unique removal strategy.  Whether it’s for bats, squirrels, beavers, opossums, skunks, groundhogs, moles, mice, raccoons, rats, shrews, or voles. Critter Control is equipped to respond appropriately to your animal removal needs.  Call us to day to see how we can help.
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Cleaning and Sanitize

Wildlife in home attics, including squirrels, birds, raccoons, bats, and mice can create a variety of dangerous hazards. These animals often carry ectoparasites such as bat bugs, mites, ticks, and fleas. Without proper treatment, these ectoparasites can remain in your home even after the removal of the problem animal.

Raccoons and raccoon droppings are a common threat to attics and attic insulation. Raccoons are known for using a single spot in your home as a latrine while using another part of your attic as their living area. This can lead to damaged attic insulation, stained ceilings, and powerful odors. This behavior is also responsible for reduced R-values, which can lead to higher energy bills.  Our technicians are trained to recognize problem areas and identify the best strategy to clean and sanitize effected areas.
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Insulation Removal and Replacement

If your attic insulation is damaged or does not adhere to U.S. Department of Energy guidelines, contact our attic insulation specialists. The professionals at Critter Control of East Tennessee are equipped to measure existing attic insulation, remove and dispose soiled or damaged insulation, and install new attic insulation.
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Bird Work

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Main Critters


Bats are nocturnal creatures that eat a variety of common pests including mosquitoes, flies, and moths. There are many different types of bats, including the little brown bat, big brown bat, Mexican free-tailed bat, pallid bat, and evening bat.


While raccoons might look friendly, they can be dangerous to humans due to the deadly diseases they may carry, such as rabies and raccoon roundworm. Call Critter Control for safe and humane removal of raccoons on your property.


Squirrels may look like cute little creatures, but it's not cute when they invade your house and chew things up. Call Critter Control today for immediate squirrel removal solutions. If you're hearing animal noises like these, then there is a squirrel in your house.


Snakes are reptiles found in just about every part of the world living in deserts, forested regions, marshes, grasslands, and even bodies of water. Most snakes people encounter are harmless or considered beneficial because they feed on other common pests, including insects, amphibians, and small mammals like rodents. However, some snakes are venomous and put both humans and household pets in danger simply by being present.

We also control Skunks, Flying Squirrels, Groundhogs, Opossums, Bees, Moles, Mice, Rats,  Birds, Pigeons, Chipmunks, Beavers, Coyotes, and Insects (spiders, ants, & roaches). 

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